What if we told you that you no longer have to deal with the prickly bumps after shaving or the pain of waxing and plucking? Sounds like a dream right! Well, it does come true with the help of laser hair removal technique.

The technologically advanced method gets rid of all the unwanted hair which has the potential of turning people off. However, it is always good to learn a few facts about laser hair removal in Melbourne before you decide to consult a technician.

So if silky-smooth skin is your goal, then know about the procedure which can help you accomplish the same. Here is a rundown on the treatment.

1. An Insight Into The Methodology

You may have your reservations when you hear the word laser. However, it is an utterly safe technique which utilises a cosmetic medical-grade laser to send a concentrated beam of light straight to the pigment of hair follicles.

The light transforms into heat and destroys the roots of the hair and blocks the blood supply to the follicles, which stops the growth of new hair.

The procedure requires adherence to strict regulations and has to be administered by a qualified technician with the help of TGA approved equipment. It works well for both light and dark skin tones.

2. It Is Not Permanent

A common misconception about laser hair removal is that it is permanent. However, it is not, and you will have to get a touch up done once or twice in a year to obstruct the growth of hair.

Also, 100% hair removal is a myth as some hair will grow back after the treatment due to hormones or other genetic factors. The extent of regrowth differs from person to person. The best thing is that you can enjoy long-term freedom from waxing and shaving with this procedure.

3. The Best Laser According To Skin Tones

The three common types of laser used for hair removal are alexandrite and Nd:YAG. The diode is considered to be effective for both light and dark skin tones and the alexandrite is the swiftest in covering large body parts among clients having light to olive complexion.

The Nd:YAG is a long pulse laser which is utilised for all skin types, even the tanned ones. However, it works best on dark hair and is not very successful in removing lighter or fine hair when compared to the other two lasers.

4. You Will Need More Than One Session

Laser hair removal in Melbourne cannot be completed in one go. You will have to be patient and sit through the procedure for a couple of times. Since laser works only on the hair which is still actively growing, it becomes necessary to have more sessions to cover every hair.

Different hair strands are at different stages of growth phase at a particular point in time, so it is impossible to treat them all at once. The number of sessions will depend on the area of the body that needs to be treated, the volume of the hair, and the skin tone.

Your technician can inform you about the sessions required during the consultation. The gap between the sessions will be determined by the clinician, and it is usually four weeks.

5. It Is Not As Painful As You Think

The sensation is more like a pinch. As the laser keeps moving over the skin the sensation keeps moving along. However, it is not unbearable. The intensity of the sensation also depends on the body part being covered and the skin tone of the patient.

Also, certain habits can increase the sensitivity of the skin so you must avoid them during the treatment. For instance, you must reduce your caffeine intake before the session as also suggested during the laser tattoo removal treatment.

You must consult your technician for other precautions and aftercare measures that will help in the treatment.

6. Avoid Going Out In The Sun

You must not be sunbathing or getting a tan before or after the treatment as it can interfere with the laser hair removal treatment results. If your skin is sunburned, then the laser can affect the pigment in your skin.

Thus it is best to avoid a beach vacation before or after the sessions. You will have to wait to get treated until the tan goes away. So to expedite the process, you must stay away from the sun as much as possible.

7. No Waxing Or Plucking Before The Treatment

For the successful removal of hair, you must ensure that the root of the hair is present in the follicle to be destroyed by the laser. Thus you must not wax or pluck your hair. Instead, you can shave the area 12-14 hours before the session.

You must clean the area perfectly with a new razor to avoid leaving any long strands on the skin. The laser can target the longer hair which can cause burns so stick to a clean shave. On the day of the treatment, you must not apply any cosmetics. Keep a safe distance from the moisturisers, perfumes, deodorants etc.


You must get a checklist of things-to-do from your clinician and religiously follow the instructions. Do not miss any appointments as the treatment will show positive results only if you are regular with your sessions and take all the required measures.

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